emasculation nude pics

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ex-girlfriend and tattoo artist cuts off his cock and balls and leaves her own work off art instead...
she taunts him before slicing his precious junk off
her: "surprise mutha fucka!! you've stuck that cheating cock where it don't belong for the last time! 'cos i'm gonna blow your nuts off!"
a ruthless billionaire heiress and her rich girlfriends decide to cut off her ex-boyfriends cock...
a future were women rule and breed big dick men. if you don't measure up, they cut your small cock off...
mom and her friends meet on the weekend, but its not a book club! no member could trick a man into coming, so they’ll lop off my member!
officer: "i'm arresting you for having a small penis. you'll be castrated so you can't spread your little dick genes..."
spiteful woman gets her revenge and castrates him, cutting of his balls