little dick nude pics

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nurse: "oh dear! you've got a very small penis. i'll have to note it in your public medical record so ladies can know before dating you..."
her: "i know you're not happy, but here's how it've got a small dick. so you either wear this or i'm leaving to find a real man."
her: "you can't just come back to a ladies place, pull out a little dick like that, and expect me to still fuck you!!...go home little man!"
officer: "i'm arresting you for having a small penis. you'll be castrated so you can't spread your little dick genes..."
her: "awww look at your cute little boner! sorry babe, but i've changed my mind now i've seen how little you're packing..."
clare: "what you think?" jess: "yep. definitely the saddest little dick i've ever seen..."
ex girlfriend: "see what i left you for?! a real man with a big dick. fuck you and your little pecker..."
if your skinny little dick doesn't grow to 8 inches hard, you can forget it!